Twitter Business Hour Hashtags in Northern Ireland – What & When They Are

Twitter is a great social media channel to network and spread news about your business, whether that be from a B2B or B2C perspective. You might have heard of the Twitter networking business hour hashtags and wondered what they were or how you could use them. Hashtags are labels users add to their tweets, and when a lot of people use the same hashtag, this can start conversion and discussion. Twitter have a range of trending hashtags and topics at any one time, and these can differ by location.
#BelfastHour was the original Twitter business hour hashtag here, and it was started by Edwards & Co Solicitors. Users can interact with the official Belfast Hour Twitter account @BelfastHourNI or they can just follow the hashtag #BelfastHour by searching for “#BelfastHour” in the search bar on your Twitter account. The conversation mainly takes place on a Thursday 9pm-10pm each night, but some users do use the hashtag throughout the week.
Over 350 businesses use #BelfastHour on a Thursday night, and it’s a great way to network and make new business connections. It’s a very friendly conversation with users interested in any local business news, or any products or services which might be useful.
#BelfastHour proved so popular that is has been replication in various locations throughout Northern Ireland, with Antrim, Down, Ballymena, Lisburn (to name a few) each having their own business hour.

Here is a round up of the Twitter business hours in Northern Ireland that we know of or have taken part in. Let us know if there are any we’ve missed!
Monday 6pm: #NewBizHourNI 8pm: #AntrimHour and #DownHour 9pm: #NorthernIrelandHour
Tuesday 8pm: #NorthBelfastHour 9pm: #NewryHour, #MagherafeltHour, #FermanaghHour, #DerryHour, #NIStartupsHour
Wedneday 8pm: #BallymenaHour 9pm: #CookstownHour, #LisburnHour, LegenDerryHour, #IrishBizParty
Thursday 8pm: #ArdsNthDownHour and #WestBelfastHour 9pm: #BelfastHour