Ensure your website is mobile friendly - but do not rush!

Mobile is huge, and it should be one of the main factors in making any decision for your website and marketing strategy. Don’t think it’s a big deal?
Mobile devices are now driving 56% of traffic to consumer websites
Mobile represents 65% of digital media time
91% of Facebook traffic is coming from mobile
If you don’t have a mobile friendly website, even Google will penalise you and you will really struggle to get any organic traffic without a mobile friendly website. Google have made a how do here.
There is a lot of information about why your website should be mobile friendly online, but take your time and get it right. Learn some lessons from Samsung, who on Tuesday, had to completely cancel their Galaxy Note 7 after reports of devices catching fire. A domestic flight in the US was even evacuated after a new device started emitting smoke in the cabin. The death of the flagship phone will cost the company around $2.3 billion.

Samsung were in a rush: both for Christmas, and to make massive improvements to the battery life of their smartphone. As a result, they have lost out massively to Google and Apple. While your competitors may be rolling out developments, don’t rush and get yours wrong.
There are 3 main ways to go to make your website mobile friendly.
Responsive websites – Responsive websites render content differently based on screen size. The URL stays the same and it will serve the same HTML code.
Dynamic serving – Different versions of HTML are served based on what the server knows about the user’s device. URL will stay the same.
Separate URLs – Different versions of code are served to each device on separate URLs
There is no right or wrong way, although I am a big advocate of the responsive design because of its ease of use.
And remember to learn from Samsung - take your time and get it right.