Should my business be producing video content?
Video advertising is growing massively, it’s going to be massive in 2017, and it’s also seen as the future of content marketing. So, it cannot be ignored, here are some statistics to back up why you should be using it.

Including video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%
YouTube reports that mobile video consumption is increasing 100% each year
90% of users report that a video helps their decision process
Researcher James McQuivey estimates 1 minute of video is equal to 1.8 million works (Wowzers)
Video makes up 35% of online ad spend currently – watch this grow
33% of online activity is spent watching video – again, watch this grow
Online video is quickly becoming a way for internet users to satisfy their entertainment and information needs. It takes slightly more work, and a good strategy, but small business owners who continue to ignore video do so at their peril.
Producing video content is a challenge, and there are a number of barriers including equipment, video making opportunities, skills required, channels to be promoting these videos and strategy.
Get in touch and let us help.